Due to the attractive climate water-skiing is a popular
sport especially in the south of Portugal. The impressive
size of the Atlantic Ocean would at first question the
number of times that the sea conditions would be favourable
to practice this sport. Surprisingly, throughout the year,
and even in the winter months, there are many days of each
month when the conditions are very attractive. Naturally in
the summer months the conditions are even better and
especially early or late in the day when the sea can present
a mirror surface.
Inland, man made Dams and rivers also present some good
water-skiing areas. Words of warning in that some of these
Dams do not permit boats with any form of engine to be used
due to the risk of water pollution.
The Beach Sport Centres that can be found on the more
popular beaches often have facilities for hire. If you are
using your own boat it is important to note that the
Portuguese authorities have the necessary regulations and
rules relating to security and sea awareness.