3rd Period - Germanic Kingdoms
(5th Century BC to 7th Century AD)
5th C. |
-- |
409 |
Visigoths invade the Peninsular |
410 |
Rome is sacked by invading Visigoths led by Alaric I (395-410) |
410 |
Ataulf becomes King of Visigoths (410-415) |
411 |
Suevian establishes kingdom of Galicia led by Hermeric (409-438) and include the area of future northern Portugal |
414 |
Saint Augustine is visited by Paulus Orosius a cleric from Braga |
415 |
"De fide" written by cleric Baquiário from Braga |
415 |
Visigoths invade and drive out Vandals from Peninsular |
415 |
Sigeric becomes King of Visigoths (415) |
415 |
Wallia becomes King of Visigoths (415-417) |
417 |
Visigoths led by Wallia start to drive the tribes out of the Iberian Peninsular |
417 |
Theodoric I becomes King of Visigoths (417-451) |
417 |
Balconius appointed Bishop of Braga |
426 |
The Alan King is killed in battle with the Visigoths |
427 |
Hydatius appointed Bishop of Aquae Flaviae (Chaves) |
429 |
The Alans are driven by the Visigothe into North Africa |
430 |
The Suevi become the dominant tribe in western half of the Peninsular |
433 |
Braga is made see for Christian faith in the Iberian Peninsular |
438 |
Suevi King Hermeric abdicates in favour of his son Requila (438-448) |
446 |
Romans attempt to win back Peninsular territory |
448 |
Suevi King Requila dies and leaves his kingdom to his son Requiario (448-456)- he marries the daughter of King Theodric I of the Visigoths |
448 |
King Requiario imposes Catholic faith on Suevi population |
448 |
King Requiario is defeated by Visigoths in battle led by Theodoric I |
451 |
Thorismund becomes King of Visigoths (451-453) |
453 |
Theodoric II becomes King of Visigoths (453-466) |
456 |
Visigoths led by Theodoric II drive the Suevi into the north-west corner of the Peninsular - the Suevi king Rechiarius (448-456) is defeated |
456 |
Suevi capital of Braga is sacked by the Visigoths led by Theodoric II |
456 |
Suevi King Requiario is executed |
456 |
Acoulf becomes King of the Suevi (456-457) |
457 |
Aiuf appointed as leader of the Swabians is mudered before he can claim himself their King |
458 |
Maldras becomes King of the Suevi (457-460) - his kingdom extended down to Lisbon |
460 |
Richimund becomes King of the Suevi (460-463) |
462 |
St Martin of Dumes is made Bishop of Braga |
463 |
Remismundo reunites Suevi and becomes King |
466 |
Euric becomes King of the Visigoths (466-484) - he successfully takes control the Iberian Peninsular |
468 |
The Roman town of Conimbriga near Coimbra falls to the Suevi |
468 |
Roman Governor of Lisbon surrenders to Suevi |
469 |
Teodemundo becomes King of the Suevi |
470 |
Euric conquers all of southern Galicia |
475 |
Euric unites all Visigoths against Roman power which then grants them independence |
476 |
Roman power overthrown when Germanic King Heruli declares himself King of Italy |
484 |
Alaric II becomes King of the Visigoths (484-507) |
6th C. |
-- |
501 |
Ecumenical Council of Braga |
507 |
Alaric II killed in battle |
507 |
The forces of the Franks after the battle of Vouillé pushes the remaining Visigoths back into Iberia |
507 |
Gesalec becomes King of the Visigoths (507-508) |
508 |
Amalaric becomes King of the Visigoths (508-511) |
508 |
Theodoric becomes King of the Visigoths (511-526) |
526 |
Amalaric becomes King of the Visigoths (410-415) - making Toledo his capital |
427 |
Justinian becomes the Emperor in Rome |
531 |
Theudis becomes King of the Visigoths (531-548) |
537 |
Profuturus becomes Bishop of Braga |
538 |
Swabian King Chararic converts to Catholicism |
548 |
Theudigisel becomes King of the Visigoths (548-549) |
549 |
Agila I becomes King of the Visigoths (549-554) |
550 |
Karriarico becomes King of Suevi (550-559) |
550 |
São Matininho de Dume (510-579) arrives in Portugal and founds the Mosteiro de Dume (Braga) |
551 |
The Byzantine create an enclave in southern Hispania |
554 |
Athanagild becomes King of the Visigoths (554-567) |
558 |
St Martin arrives in Portugal and found the Monastery of Dume - his followers build 50 churches between Mondego and the Minho to support his preachings |
559 |
Teodomiro becomes King of Suevi (559-570) |
561 |
At the Ecumenical Council of Braga proclaimed the conversion of Suevi to Catholics |
567 |
Theodomir becomes King of the Visigoths (567-571) |
568 |
Leovigild becomes the last Arian King of the Visigoths |
569 |
The Visigoths invade the Iberian Peninsular |
570 |
Birth of Muhammad (570-632) |
570 |
Miro becomes King of Suevi (570-582) |
570 |
Leovigild starts a campaign to conquer the whole of Iberia |
571 |
Liuva I becomes King of the Visigoths (571-572) |
572 |
Liuvigildo becomes King of the Visigoths (572-586) |
582 |
Eboric becomes King of Suevi (582-584) |
584 |
Andeca becomes King of Suevi (584-585) |
585 |
Visigoths led by Leovigild defeat King Andeca and take over kingdom of his Suevians |
586 |
Reccared I becomes King of the Visigoths (586-601) |
587 |
Reccared I is converted from Arianism to orthodox Catholicism making his base in Teledo (Spain) |
589 |
Pantardus made Bishop of Braga |
589 |
Recarred I converts to Catholicism |
589 |
Bishopric created for town of Aeminium (Coimbra) |
7th C. |
-- |
601 |
Liuva II becomes King of the Visigoths (601-603) |
603 |
Witteric becomes King of the Visigoths (603-610) |
610 |
Gundemar becomes King of Visigoths (610-612) |
612 |
Sisebur becomes King of the Visigoths (612-621) |
621 |
Reccared II becomes King of the Visigoths (621) |
621 |
Suintila becomes King of the Visigoths (621-631)
- he is crowned with the title as the "King of all of Spain" |
624 |
The Visigoths gain control of all of Iberia |
631 |
Sisenand becomes King of the Visigoths (631-636) |
633 |
Julian appointed Bishop of Braga |
636 |
Chintila becomes King of the Visigoths (636-640) |
640 |
Tulga becomes King of the Visigoths (640-642) |
642 |
Chindasuinth becomes King of the Visigoths (642-653) |
647 |
Middle Eastern Arabs move into North Africa and take Cathage (698) |
649 |
Reccasuinth becomes King of the Visigoths |
650 |
São Frutoso appointed Bishop of Braga |
653 |
Pontamius appointed Bishop of Braga |
653 |
Recdeswith becomes King of the Visigoths (653-672) |
654 |
Reccesuinth promulagates "Forum Iudicum" - a code of Laws |
663 |
Ecumenical Council of Braga |
672 |
Wamba becomes King of the Visigoths (672-680) |
675 |
Ecumenical Council of Braga |
675 |
Leodegisius appointed Bishop of Braga |
680 |
Erwig II becomes King of the Visigoths (680-687) |
681 |
Luiva becomes Bishop of Braga |
687 |
Ergica becomes King of the Visigoths (687-701) |
693 |
Félix made last Bishop of Braga until removed by invading Moors |
8th C. |
-- |
701 |
Wittiza becomes King of the Visigoths (701-710) |
710 |
Roderic becomes King of the Visigoths (710-711) |
710 |
Moor army led by Tarif Ibn Malluk makes first successful incursion into the lower part of the Iberia Peninsular |
711 |
Agila II becomes King of the Visigoths (711-714) |
711 |
The Umayyads led by Tariq ibn Ziyad invade from Africa with 12,000 men, landing at Gibraltar and commence the rapid defeat of the Visigoths |
711 |
July - Battle of Guadelete - Umayyads defeat defending forces of Visigoths |
-- |
-- |
2nd Period |
Roman Lusitania (3rd Century BC to 4th Century AD) |
4rd Period |
Initial Moor Period (8th Century to 9th Century) |
Return to Index of History Periods |
The above was compiled by Michael Tannock from published information
in the Portuguese language. While every care was taken in obtaining the above
facts some conflicting dates, information and spelling were encountered.
In such cases, our own discretion was used in choosing which facts
to publish.