4th Period - Initial Moor Period
(8th Century to 9th Century)
8th C. |
-- |
711 |
Islamic Umayyad Moors led by Tarif-ibn-Molluk invade the Peninsular in the region of Gibraltar with 12.000 troops (Emirate Period 711-756) |
711 |
Umayyad Moors defeat Visigoths at Guadelete (Emirate Period 711-756) - Visigoth King Roberic is believed killed in the battle |
712 |
Moor army led by Musa ibn Nusayr arrives with a further 18.000 men from Africa and conquers Medina, Sidônia and Seville |
713 |
Mértola is conquered by Musa's son Abd Alaziz along with most of the major towns in the southern part of the Peninsular |
713 |
Beja, Huelva, Mérida and Ossónoba (Faro) falls to invading Omayyad army |
713 |
Muse ibn Nusair takes Toledo and makes it his capital |
714 |
Moor army led by Abd al-Alaziz occupies Coimbra, Évora and Santarém |
714 |
Lisbon surrenders without a fight to Umayyad army |
714 |
Umayyad forces invade southwards from Galicia into Chaves in a "pincer" movement |
714 |
Most of the Iberian Peninsular had been conquered by the Moors |
714 |
Lisbon surrenders without fighting to Moor invading army |
714 |
Muse Ibn Nusair dies and is replaced by his son al-Aziz Abd |
714 |
Moor forces led by Musa enter via Chaves northern Portugal and take Vila Real and Viseu |
715 |
Calip Sulayman ibn al-Malik assassinated Abd al-Alaziz and sends Musa ibn Nusayr into exile in Yemen |
714 |
Umayyad rulers show tolerance to both Christian and Jewish faiths and pass over control of some smaller towns to pro-Moor of the former faith |
715 |
Abd al-Alaziz marries Roderic's widow and makes Seville his capital |
716 |
Lisbon captured by Moor invaders |
716 |
Abd al-Alaziz Abd is murdered by Abd al-Rahman |
717 |
Córdoba is made capital of Al-Andalusia |
718 |
Count Pelayo establishes Kingdom of Asturias and this is the beginning of the period known as the "Reconquista" |
721 |
Duke of Acquitaine defeats the Moors at Tolosa |
722 |
Battle of Covadonga - The Christian Count Pelayo defeats the Moors in battle and the Kingdom of Asturias is created |
732 |
Moors invade France an are only stopped at Poitiers by Charles Martel |
737 |
Count Pelayo dies and his son Favila inherits his kingdom |
739 |
Cout Pelayo's son-in-law Alfonso becomes King of Asturias |
740 |
Berber revolt in North Africa against Umayyad overlords spreads into the Iberian Peninsular |
741 |
Berber tribes revolt throughout the Peninsular but is put down by ibn-Bishr with reinforcements from Syria - tribes from Eygpt settle in the Alentejo area after taking control |
750 |
The Caliph in Damascus is assassinated and control passes to Abbasid Tribe |
750 |
Drought creates famine and disease in all the Peninsular (750-755) |
753 |
Galicia army led by Alfonso from Cantabria march southwards to as far as Porto and Viseu |
755 |
Moor forces march into Galicia but are forced to retreat |
755 |
Rebel Umayyad Prince Abd al-Rahman flees to Iberia Peninsular to escape Abbasid persecution of his tribe |
756 |
Abd al-Rahman defeats Yusuf al-Fihriand becomes head of Al-Andulus Muslims and makes Córdoba is capital (756-788) |
756 |
Abd al-Raman defeats Yusuf al-Fihriand becomes head of Al-Andulus Muslims and makes Córdoba his capital |
756 |
Abd al Rahman I proclaims Independence of Córdoba (Caliphate Period 756-1031) |
763 |
Abd al-Rahman I defeats an Abbasid inspired revolt led by governer of Beja |
766 |
Abd al-Rahman I defeats a new revolt within his kingdom |
768 |
Aurelio becomes King of Asturias |
768 |
A Berber reformer mounts a new revolt and captures central Iberia and occupies Mérida and towns to the north of the River Tagus - the new division between the Christian and Moor kingdoms is effectively created by the River Tagus |
774 |
Silo becomes King of Asturias |
777 |
The Berber reformer is eventually defeated |
783 |
Mauregato (illegitimate son of Alfonso I) becomes King of Asturias |
788 |
Death of Abd al-Rahman I succeeded by Hisham I (788-796) |
788 |
Bermudo I becomes King of Asturias |
791 |
Another Moor expedition into Galicia with its army having some successes in battle |
791 |
Alfonso II, King of the Asturias, captures lands south of River Douro and makes Oveido his Christian capital |
794 |
Battle of Lutos - Asturian army defeats Muslims |
795 |
Dom Alfonso II of Galicia marches south as far as Lisbon but returns home without controlling the conquered lands due to a lack of men and supplies |
796 |
al-Haquem I becomes Caliph of Córdoba (796-822) |
798 |
Alfonso II takes Lisbon but fails in achieving its occupation |
9th C. |
-- |
800 |
General revolt of the people against occupation by the Moors which is bloodily suppressed (800-810) |
809 |
Umayyad army retake Lisbon from Tumlus - a rebel Moor who took control of the town |
813 |
Tomb of St. James supposedly found at Santiago de Compostela (Spain) |
813 |
The cult of Christian faith for Saint James unites the various northern petty kingdoms |
822 |
Abd al-Rahman II becomes Umayyad Emir of Córdoba (822-852) |
825 |
Moor army fails to capture Coimbra and Viseu |
830 |
Relics of St James are claimed to be uncovered in Compostela - it is promoted as a site for Christian pilgrimage |
840 |
Moors have control of both Coimbra and Viseu |
840 |
Norman Vikings raid Beja and Algarve coast |
842 |
Ramiro I becomes King of Asturias |
844 |
Norman Viking raids on Galicia and Lisbon, Beja, coastal Algarve, and also Seville |
844 |
Battle of Clavijo - legendary fight between Christians and Moors won by the Christian army helped by a vision of Saint James charging through their ranks |
850 |
Ordonho I becomes King of Asturias |
852 |
Muhammad I becomes Emir of Córdoba (852-886) |
859 |
Norman raids on coastal Algarve and Beja |
859 |
Battle of Albelda - Ordonho I defeats Musa ibn Musa |
866 |
Alfonso III becomes King of Asturias and initiates repopulation of Coimbra, Lamego, Porto and Viseu |
-- |
-- |
3rd Period |
Germanic Kingdoms (5th Century BC to 7th Century AD) |
5th Period |
First County of Portugal (9th Century to 11th Century) |
Return to Index of History Periods |
The above was compiled by Michael Tannock from published information
in the Portuguese language. While every care was taken in obtaining the above
facts some conflicting dates, information and spelling were encountered.
In such cases, our own discretion was used in choosing which facts
to publish.